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Feast day of Blessed Eustaquio Van Lieshout SS.CC. Aug. 30

Blessed Eustaquio van Lieshout, was a Dutch priest of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He was assigned to the missions of the Congregation in Brazil where he proclaimed the Good News with great zeal. Eustaquio was deeply committed to the Eucharist and to adoration and found his special charism in the healing ministry of Jesus, who

“went through the all the towns and villages teaching…proclaiming the good news… and healing every disease and sickness” Matt 9:35.

Eustaquio’s special gift, in addition to sharing the good news, was the alleviation and healing of the sickness and sufferings of his fellow human beings, especially the poor and abandoned. His care for the sick and suffering drew large crowds and when miraculous events occurred, more and more people came to speak with him, request healing and receive his blessing Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation the people experience the love and compassion of God and through their bodily healing an experience of happiness in this life and a foretaste of the happiness of eternal life. Despite the toll that his constant ministry had on his energy and health, Blessed Eustaquio’s heart was always open to respond to the needs, sickness and suffering of those who sought his assistance. He died in Belo Horizonte on August 30th, 1943 and was beatified June 15th, 2006.

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