Is the world going backwards? It may seem that way but despite everything, the world is getting better, life is better than before, but there is still a lot of brokenness. Young people are very valuable, full of hope and dreams, but it is true that there are some that do a lot of damage. Media can have a deadening effect. You hear more about the evil than about the good. As Advent people we need to search out the good and reinforce the positive. That is the practice of hope that will create a better world. Make a joyful noise that brings hope into the world. How much we need men and women of hope! Practice hope this advent!
- O God, come to my aid.
-Lord; make haste to help me.
- Glory be to the Father...
- As it was in the beginning...
Lord, in this new hour of history, we want to travel all roads to deliver the joy that we have received from your Gospel. With Christ, we build hope. Holy Mary of hope, pray for us. In this new hour of history, we want to take every path to deliver the joy that we have received from your Gospel. With Christ, we build hope. Holy Mary of Hope, pray for us.
Silence for adoration
Profile of Advent people
They have clear eyes, are very alert, because they must read the mystery of life, because they must understand the signs of the times, because they must discover the footprints of the Beloved.
Their ears are tuned, very open, because they must listen to the messages offered, and listen to the voices of the little ones, the cries of the victims, the announcements of the prophet.
Their hands are open, detached, they become poor and feel poor, they know that the Kingdom belongs to them, and they expect it, even for the poor.
They have a burning heart, they hear the Word and are inflamed, they hear the promise, they read the signs and are on fire.
Optimism is contagious, they believe in heaven and work toward it.
Aware of the need for God and the Holy Spirit, their favorite prayer is, "Come, Spirit of God, beloved Spirit, hasten the day of the Lord that we all desire." (Advent, Caritas 1999)
Silence to meditate
"Waiting is a duty, not a luxury. Waiting is not dreaming, but the way to transform a dream into reality. Blessed are those who have the audacity to dream and are willing to pay the price for their dream to take shape in the history of all!" (Card. Suenens)
Silence for reflection
-From aging of the spirit, DELIVER US, LORD.
-From chronic discouragement...
-From generalized pessimism...
-From morbid sadness...
-From acute fatigue...
-From unconscious routine...
-From radical incapacity...
Our Father
Rekindle, Lord, in us the desire to go out to meet Christ, accompanied by good works, so that one day we may enjoy with all men and women the joys of your Kingdom. Through Christ our Lord.