“It is through Christ and in Christ that light is shed on the mystery of suffering and death which, apart from the gospel, overwhelms us. Christ is risen, destroying death by his death, and giving life abundantly to us so that becoming children in the Son, we may cry out in the Spirit: “Abba, Father!” (Vat. ll. GS 22)
“The Church is conscious that she must celebrate the saving work of her divine Spouse by devoutly recalling Christ’s Resurrection on certain days throughout the year. Every week, on the day which she has called the Lord's Day, she keeps the memory of the Lord's resurrection, which she also celebrates once every year, together with His blessed passion, in the most solemn festival of Easter. (Vat ll. SC 102)
- O God, come to my aid.
- Lord; make haste to help me.
- Glory be to the Father ...
- As it was in the beginning ... Alleluia
Hymn of your choice.
Sing with joy on this day of grace.
Sing with joy on this Easter day.
He is risen, my Lord is risen.
My hope is resurrected. Alleluia!
Let your lamp shine, let your flame shine brightly;
Cease your tears as you behold his gaze.
He is risen, my Lord is risen.
My hope is resurrected. Alleluia!
Let the angels sing to him who cheered the morning.
Sound the music when you hear his words.
He is risen, my Lord is risen.
My hope is resurrected. Alleluia!
Silence to worship.
Psalm 98
It is a Psalm of the Kingdom, which stages the symbolic enthronement of the Lord-King. There is applause, shouts of joy, waving of palms, choir chants and the sound of trumpets. A procession of faithful celebrates their homage to God. We celebrate God's saving action: his arm manifests itself with irresistible power by raising Jesus from the dead, making him King and Lord.
Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord is our King.
Sing to the Lord a new song
for he has worked wonders;
his right hand has given him victory,
His holy arm.
The Lord has shown his salvation
revealing his justice to the nations
He remembers His mercy and faithfulness
in favor of the house of Israel.
The ends of the earth have beheld
the victory of our God.
Hail the Lord; all you lands,
break into song and sing praise
with melody of the lyre
And with music of the harp
with bugles and to the sound of trumpets,
Hail the King and Lord:
Let the sea resound and what it contains,
the earth and all who inhabit it.
Let the rivers applaud, let the mountains acclaim the Lord;
Who comes to rule the earth.
He will rule the world with justice
and the peoples with righteousness.
Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord is our King.
Silence to meditate.
If, by the grace of God, you have changed your heart from hatred to love; if you have grown in hope; if you have made the cause of the poor and oppressed your own, glorify and praise the Lord, for Christ is risen and you with Him.
"Our Spring, our Easter, our new life, is the Risen Christ, always the same and always different for us. Easter will be a new feast, a new joy, a new certainty that our little deaths bring us – already, in seed – a great Life... May the Easter Spring burst once again in our dry branches and make a new forest explode in whose shadow we can walk in dialogue with God and his brothers and sisters" (A. Iniesta).
Silence for reflection.
Remember that you are Easter, that the risen Christ continues to rise in you. Help others to be resurrected. Happy Easter! Happy Easter of Love!
· For the Church, a community of followers of the Risen One, that we may bear witness to hope...
· For ourselves, who have the mission to announce the Good News, that our message may be supported by a life of faith and commitment to peace and justice...
· For those who have influence in our world that they may unite the efforts of all towards life, and not towards death...
· For all who have given their lives in the service of others, that they may enjoy with the Risen Christ the joy of new life...
Our Father.

Christ, Lord of Life, keep your community alive; May we not feel the fear of death nor the fear of darkness; may we always hear the whisper of your voice: "Fear not, it is I." Amen.