As Christians we believe that God is an eternal loving relationship. Father, Son and Holy Spirit in one God- the Trinity is the source and foundation of all relationships. The Sacred Heart of Jesus, revealed the will of God that all humans are created to be in relationship, that is, to be brothers and sisters. It is up to us to proclaim by our lives what it means to be family, God's loving family.
- My God, come to my aid.
- Lord, make haste to help me.
- Glory to the Father...
- As it was in the beginning... Alleluia
One city for all, we will raise!
A great common roof: the city!
A round table like the world: we shall rise!
A bread of multitude.
A language of open hearts.
One hope: Come Lord Jesus!
We will not reject the cornerstone.
On the foundation of his body, we will raise the city.
Silence for adoration
Poem of Faith and Hope
We believe in Jesus, Son of God,
a man free and in solidarity,
the path and the goal of human beings
and of universal history.
He died a violent death on the cross,
because of his commitment to the least of the earth, and,
through them, to all men and women.
He is the prophet of faith, of justice and of love,
who became by his resurrection the leader of humanity,
for the glory of God and the salvation of the whole world.
We believe in the God of Jesus, his Father and our Father,
source of all good and enemy of all evil,
who has created a world on the move and
placed it in our hands to be developed for the benefit of all.
He has sent us his son Jesus
to begin his reign,
so that there may be no more gods or masters, and
that we may all be free and in solidarity with one another.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Spirit of justice and love that filled Jesus,
poured out in us so that we may continue his work and
make a new world without classes or inequalities.
We believe that the Church is the community of Jesus,
holy and sinful at the same time,
sent into the world to proclaim the Good News and
to be an effective sign of faith and justice.
We proclaim that there is an unlimited future for every human being,
beyond pain and injustice,
because evil has been conquered and
death has also been conquered by Jesus.
We look forward to a fraternal, Pentecostal humanity,
in which all peoples will speak
the only language that leads to communion:
the same language that God speaks: the language of love.
Silence for meditation
Reread the poem and see how God wants to make our story his love story.
Reading of the Word: 1Cor 2:1-5
Paul does not focus attention on his own person, ability or presence when he preaches to the Corinthians. He relies only on the Spirit, the only one who knows God's way of being and the only one who persuades and unites.
When I came to you, brothers, proclaiming the mystery of God, I did not come with sublimity of words or of wisdom. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear and much trembling, and my message and my proclamation were not with persuasive (words of) wisdom, but with a demonstration of spirit and power, so that your faith might rest not on human wisdom but on the power of God.
Time for Reflection
Evaluate your own relationship and solidarity with your relatives, neighbors, parishioners. What is the bond that unites you with them: the bond of blood, sympathy, culture, or that they are "kind in themselves” because they are "beloved of God"?
- For the Church, so that, living the unity of the Spirit, we may cooperate in the harmony of the universe. ...
- For all believers, so that we may work for a more humane and fraternal world. ...
- That we may have a welcoming, dialoguing, understanding attitude towards those who live or think differently than we do. ...
You may add your own petitions. …
Our Father
God, our Father, grant us, after the example of Jesus, to give our lives to the task of making our world a reality of one family.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.