Note for preparation: Put a little table in your room or place of prayer. On it place a crucifix or an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a lit candle and maybe flowers. During the times of silent prayer, you may play background music.
The following rhythm of adoration may be helpful for the individual in private adoration or the leader in group adoration. It is intended for an hour adoration so may be adapted for shorter periods of adoration. The leader’s guidance or comments should be brief. Times of praise, worship, thanksgiving, repentance may be substituted as appropriate
Opening Hymn (Your choice)
Every Christian has a role to play in the mystery of Christ, a mission in the midst of people. Its purpose is to continue the very work of the Lord, who came into the world to bear witness to the truth; to save, not to condemn; to serve, not to be served.
The Church - Christians - makes Christ present, is his witness and proclaims his Gospel. We are all committed to and responsible for the fate of the world and of the Church. No one can say: "Am I my brother's keeper? Our world today needs more than ever the witness of men and women who know and love God.
- O God, come to my aid.
- Lord, make haste to help me.
- Glory be to the Father...
- As it was in the beginning... Alleluia
Words to Ponder
Blessed upon the mountains
are the feet of the messenger
who announces peace,
salvation, victory.
Lord, in silence
you walk the path
and raise your voice;
your voice, Lord, is heard from far away,
announcing the Kingdom.
Lord, at your side
I feel invited
to your table and feast,
to work with my hands
for the good of others.
Silence to adore
Only God can give faith, but you can give your testimony....
Only God can give hope, but you can give trust to your brothers...
Only God can give love, but you can love and teach to love... ....
Only God can give peace, but you can reach out your hand. ...
Only God can give strength, but you can lift up the discouraged.
God alone is the Way, but you can show it to others...
God alone is the light,
but you can make it shine in the eyes of all. ...
God alone is life, but you can give back to others the desire to live ....
Only God can do the impossible, but you cannot do the possible....
God alone is sufficient for Himself, but He has willed to have need of you. ...
Silence for meditation
"By virtue of baptism, all Christians are co-responsible for missionary activity.... Participation in the universal mission is a sign of maturity of faith and of a Christian life that bears fruit. In this way the believer widens the breadth of his charity, manifests his concern for those who are are near or far: he prays for the missions and for missionary vocations, helps the missionaries, follows their activities with interest and, when they return, welcomes them with the joy with which the first communities heard from the apostles the wonders that God had worked through preaching." (Vatican Council II)
Silence for reflection
Do you consider yourself a missionary Christian because of your enthusiastic way of living the faith?
What do you bring to people or groups far from the faith who live near you, in your own family or in your social environment?
Are you in solidarity with Third World countries?
For the missionaries who work in distant countries...
For priestly and religious missionary vocations....
For an increase in the number of lay missionaries.... _.
For the growth of missionary conscience among Christians....
For our solidarity with the Christian and non-Christian countries of the Third World....
Our Father
God, our Father: in Jesus, you have shown us the first evangelizer, proclaimer and builder of the Kingdom. Make us his passionate followers, so that, from the community, we may announce the Good News and build the Kingdom without limits of frontiers. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to eternal life.
Closing Hymn (Your choice)