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Adoration for Christmas

Reflection for Christmas

“God infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created us to enable us to share in his own blessed life” (CCC 1) It was all God’s idea, a divine passion for humanity, to show us clearly how much he loves us. And, for this, He lowered Himself, He stripped Himself of His rank, He became human like us with all the consequences. Oh! admirable mystery! Ours is to adore in silence and to give thanks.

- God, come to my aid. - Lord, make haste to help me.

- Glory be to the Father... - As it was in the beginning... alleluia...

Today all in heaven rejoice, for in a corner of the earth God is born. What great joy and gladness I have! But he is not born only in Bethlehem, he is born where there is a warm heart. He is born in me, He is born in anyone, if there is love; He is born where there is true understanding. What great joy and gladness God shares!

Silence to adore.


On the path, like gentle dew, he has pitched his tent. He is with us. He is a man among us.

Today we are brothers and sisters, we will make him a cradle by joining hands.

He is strong, but he is only a child whom death stalks. He is with us, in the midst of his people.

Today we are brothers and sisters, we will make him a cradle by joining our hands.

He is wise, but he has no words, a child with a smile on his lips. He is with us here. He does not speak from a cloud.

Today we are brothers and sisters, we will make him a cradle by joining our hands.

He is rich, but shivers with cold beside an ox and a donkey. He is with us. He draws near especially to the poor.

Today we are brothers and sisters, we will make him a cradle by joining our hands.

The heavens are opened, the desert is glad. He is with us. He hears our prayers.

Today we are brothers and sisters, we will make him a cradle by joining our hands.

Silence for meditation.


"We know that the Word became flesh in the womb of the Virgin, and that he assumed our human nature, transforming it. He was one of us in every way, if it had not been so, it would have been useless for Him to command us to follow Him as our teacher and master. How would he have commanded us, weak as we are by birth, to do the same things that he does, and how would he then be good and just?

Silence for reflection.

To adore, to kiss the Child in the manger, costs nothing. Not that there is anything wrong with it, no; on the contrary, it is a good and holy thing. But aren’t the best kisses and gifts Jesus wants to receive for the immigrants, for the sick, for the poor?

Are you going to spend a lot this Christmas on food and gifts?

How much are you going to give to those who are in need?


For the Church, that she may joyfully and humbly live the mystery of the Incarnation and Christmas…

For all peoples, that through the birth of Christ they may progress in peace and in true humanity...

For the poorest of this world, the marginalized, the immigrants, the sick, that through the birth of Christ they may find welcome and liberating assistance...

For the families who in these days celebrate the birth of Christ, that they may live more united and grow in human and Christian values...

For all parents who at this time have had or will have a baby, that it may be for them a teacher of humanity and faith...

Add your personal intentions…

Our Father.


We ask you, Lord, through the birth of your Son, to make us sharers in your divinity.


May the Lord bless us, keep us from all evil and lead us to eternal life.


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