National Enthronement Center
Family Covenant with God
Welcome Everyone!
The National Enthronement Center of the Sacred Heart in the Home
Fairhaven, Massachusetts
Founder of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home.
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home
Fairhaven, Massachusetts
July's Adoration: Carried Away by Love
Reading from the Word: John 8:28-29.
"When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will understand that I am He, and that I do nothing of my own accord, but say only what the Father taught me. Moreover, he who sent me is with me, he has not left me alone, because I always do what pleases him."
A Litany to Sacred Heart of Jesus
After each invocation respond:
R/ Make us grow in your friendship.
Heart of Jesus, reflection of the Father’s love. R/.
Heart of Jesus, bread of life that feeds us. R/.
Heart of Jesus, love without measure. R/.
Heart of Jesus, refuge of immigrants and homeless people. R/.
Heart of Jesus, medicine of the sick. R/.
Heart of Jesus, our hope in times of pandemic. R/.
Heart of Jesus, strength of the poor and oppressed. R/.
Heart of Jesus, who desires a humanity without racism. R/.
Heart of Jesus, who invites us to be instruments of your peace. R/.
Heart of Jesus, who wants us to take care of our Common Home. R/.
Heart of Jesus, joy of pilgrim women and men. R/.
Heart of Jesus, friend of children and the little ones. R/.
Heart of Jesus who transforms hearts of stone. R/.
Heart of Jesus, who wants Church that is a field hospital. R/.
Heart of Jesus, who gives us the Heart of Mary as a mother. R/.
Please feel free to add invocations that express our dialogue with the heart of Jesus.